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tv   FOX 45 News at 500  FOX  November 6, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm EST

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o'malley and ravens linebacker brendon...... supporters have ong maintained that ay marriage ii a question of &pcivil rights not religious &prighhs. but they know 32 ther states which have - voted on theemeasure have all (25:23) "it feels good to make a ifference but i don't think ppoole should be applauded for doing the righh thing people should be wrong thing so ww need to change the tides and get moving in the right direction. if you have somebody why shouldn't you have thh same looes eaah other just because you're a copuple of the same sex." 3 notherr.. key
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the maryland dream act.../ it would give in-state tuition daniels... , live... arccs n- restaurant in felll pointt. / whhre supporterssof questionnfour... will... &pgatheriig his evening...keit. eff... this would llow some illeeal immigrants to pay in-state tuition at marrland colleges. ut there are be met before thoss students qualify.. //////////// upporters say this is a fairrcompromise... immigrants have to graduute and complete two years at a marylann community collegg. .....and their parents must have paid stateeincome taxes for the past three years.. .....but supporters and opponents are still sharply &pdivided overrthe longterm beeefitt p////////////////ott//////////// (gutierrez) ""ou know it just means i actually hhve the opportunity now to go to dreammthat i had, i think i would have, i would have to and my amily wouldn't be abll
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to pull out $40,000 of their pocket."(kipkk) ""t'ssjust a costly ill. t's going tt at &pleast cost three million dollarls as ww ramp up over the ext three yeers. we're providiig a taxppyee benefitt toopeople who entereda our country illegally." 3 a recent baltimore sun ppll foundd &pmaryland dreem aat.... we're waiting now for the deciding vote. live in at five. will also... cast ballots... ffr... the &psenate seat... held by... democrat ben cardin. push ffr support.../ senaaor cardin... greeted voters... outside... st. leo's cchrch... in... littly italy...//. a... u.s. senator sincee2007...,/ challengeddby epublican... daniel bon-gino ... and... independent ... rob... o--bonny...// whiie... cardin's... he's... comprommse ... s - and... deal with issues...
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"iq:compromise is not a dirty word... oq:thatt what do."eed to do." cardin....appears... to have a pomfortaale lead..// . accooding... [workk.../ about... 50 percent of likeey voters... support ...the incumbent...// evee... with... aarecord nuuber of early casttng... mooe than... 400 thousand ballots... / we're... &p stiil eeing... long joel d. smith... takes us ...ttothe polling location... in cocceysville.../ where the linns... got... so long timms,.../ some peoole... leff - voting. big moments in hissory are steps... orreven no steps at all. 1414 usullay you walk right in. its a loog line,,
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thing before ork, and i was just allkig to this woman here, and we weree etting more or less than an hour.1342 i wait heree a ong as it takes. yet some people aren't line... especially ith small children.2405 i just noticed &pfor 15-20 miiutes we didn't line wheee i as, there was no way i'd get in in a eassnable time. so i thought i left happen. the nterest in this election is part of the &preasonn from the top of the ticket... all the way down to the last referrendum, this is a long ballot. 1429 all the questions, and its a big presiddntial election. tand: and thatts why o maay are willing to wait... but howw long? it's chilly this morning... cculd you really wait ut heee for 3 or 4 hours to votee a new voter puts it &pall in persective. 645 its one day, a few hours of your time.. juut like my dad &psays, people go and watch fb, and its reeaing, whhn you staad outside for a fb game.go ravens... go vote. n
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cockeysville, joel d. smiih, fox 45 news. long lines... again n fforida outtide.... the... miimi-dade elections department. ...// people... were building.../ and... down the sidewalk... waitiig hours tt vote....// many... had... tried voting early..../ but... forced to close the pools .../ because ... thhy... were... short staffed... and... had... only one working printer. a... simiiar scene... in... st loois, missouri..../ officiaas... predicted... a - strong voter turrout. ...// poolss.. opened at ...six a-m... across the state..../ ann.... based... on this loog inn... / it... looks like... they were right. the... presidential candidates... already ... voted...// of course, ...kkow who they voted for... for...former... massachusetts governor mitt romney... voted... in his... home state.../ so... ddd... unning mate... paul ryan .../ and... rival... vice president... joe obama ...joined the roughly ...30-million americans... who... voted early - / october 25th ... - in chicago....///ttat's...
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here... he is staaing off... the... camppign trial../. while... romneey ...squeezes in... two... last- minute campaign in... ohio and pennsylvania. 51-56"i feel confident weehave the votes to win, but it's going to depend uulimately on out."109-117"you hoped that prrsident obama would live up to his promise to bring peopll together to solve the big will."after... their final campaiin events,.... to... watch... the - election results...///. obama... nd... ice president biden... will watch from chicago. 3 the... final... electiin result... known... - until... late in the evening.../ if... then...///. but,... drama... to watch ... &pall... evening long....// hhre's... a....llok at the mmst ritical hours... tt watch.. toniggt 3 &pat 7 o'clock.... polls in six states close but all eyes will
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ellctoral 2008, obama beeame the firss democraa tt win the ssate since 1964.... underscoring how important it ps for romney.--at 7:30... polls close in three statee including ohio and noott carolina.while bbth are battlegrrundsswith 18 and 15 electoral votes respeetively, the buckeye state has become phe central republican haa ever won he ohio.--at 8 o'clock...the racee florida and pennsylvania as - paattoff16 states pluss washiigton d-c to enddvoting. plorida is critical with 299 ppnnsylvania, no republican presidential candidate has won tte state in nnarly a uarter century.--at 9...pollssclose minnesota nd michigan have hissorically been considered &psafely democratii...but the romney camp made some last
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minute moves there.--at 10 ooclocc, polls close in the ptates...iowa anddnnvaaa.bott &pttward obama. but the romney camp is hoping for a surprise win. here's... ourr question of the day.. who... do you think ....ill win... thh race forrpresidentt go... to... fox- paltimore dot com .../ tell us... what you &pthink.../. soundd.. off... thru... facebook..... send... us... a tweet.. at foxxaltimore.../. text... p your nswer to ...44-203..../ enter... obama.. / fox45 gives you the most in- depth coverage online tonight. we will stteam our newscasts... and stream &pthe presidential acceptance on our websste... foxbaltimore dot cco. official results will also be updated automaticclly. automatically. and get pdates and sound offf
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on tonight's races by goong to our facebooo page... facebook &pdot com slash fox baltimore.. and on twittee at foxbaltimore. and tune n to fox45 news attten or compllte &pvotee2012 ovvrage. we ill be the first on phe air with local results and peaction from tte presidential pace... congressional racee and the controveesial ballott measures. while... the election../ . ...vytas reid keeping toward... aa.. possible nor'easterr.. phat could come in tomorrow. hhee... with.. his ffrst ffreccst... vytas.
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how are the roads looking tonig? &ptonight?bbandi proctor has u traffic edge reeort. report. maplibertyrt 40mapshawanmap395
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new tonight at 5:30.../ questioo 7... / of... the bigggst questions ...on this election ballot... for marylanders..../what... voters ..are saying today. a 4 alarm fire in baltimore citt...tte uge irony of its location....-
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5:13 pm
oh! green mountain coffee! how do you always have my favorite coffee? well, inside the brewer, there's a giant staircase. and the room is filled with all these different kinds of coffee and even hot cocoa, and you'll always find your favorite. with so many choices, keurig has everyone's favorite. and i just press this button.
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brew what you love, simply. keurig. a ... four alarm fire... 100--baltimooe city n... - ...firefiggters ... in... fells poiit... this morning..... joy lepola shows us... hiss.. is... the second time... since june ... the... five story bbilding... caught fire. 3 residents in fells point faced a similar scene to the one theyysaw this mornnngg on june 11th.... a ivv alarm fire resulted in more than a million dollars worth of ((vo)) this was the scene ttis morning.... smokeefilled the aar as firefighttrs worked battle fought best from the &pstreet and from towerinn ladders. part of the five story builddng collapsed. and several streets were blocked pff. here's how a captain descriied this morning's eeents. ((wipe-sot)) 6:51:26 around 3
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somethingouttue: four aaarm fire rrght nnw :44 tonight... both fires remain word on a possible cauue. joy llpola fox 45 news at five. earlier... we... told you about ...the big -&tu this year. our qqestion of the day. who... do you think ...will win... the race for pre? writes on ourrfacebook page...". "obbmney"..a bbg response to this question tonight and so far it appears justtliie the polls...evenlyysplittbetween presiienn obama and mitt go... to... fox-
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think.../. sound... facebook.../. send... us... a tweet.. at foxbaltimore...// text... your aaswer tt ...45-200..../ enter... fox45a forr &pobama.. / fox45b for romney. 3 new ttnight at 5:30... the debate over expaaded gambling in maryland.will tonight change the face of gambling in marylann and the physical landscape of the state of marylann with added casinos? sevvral ravens spend their off day handing oot coats o those in need.what otherrhelp they tried to give to those less fortunate... coming up. 3 --adblib weather tz-- ?ó
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how you doing? alright, alright. now this is a party. what is that? go, go, go. mmm. give me some of that sauce. i don't know, i think i might bail. yeah, it's pretty dead. [ male announcer ] one is never enough. new kfc dip'ems. freshly prepared tenders dipped in irresistible sauces. this is it. now this is a party. [ male announcer ] try a 3 piece combo for just $5. today tastes so good. the.../baltimore...//
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ravens...///spend... the day of... he team... //3 includdng... anquan bollin,... torrey smith... and jah reid... rooled up ...their sleeves this morning.../ at... the... "hhlping up"... mission... in... east baltimore...//. thhre.. they... gave ut and... otter... "cold weather... " items... "it always feels good to get back into the community, i know me and alot of my teammates, whenever we haae a day off we do alot communityy work, for us is pretty much givinggbaak to the people who &psspport us every sunday." &psunday." the ravens also spoke wwtt residents... struggling with hommlessness... and addiction....// this... is the... ninth year ...they've helped... giveaway coats... to people in need. -- react to story -- cool 3 temperatures.... sunny
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skkes... perfect election day...keeping aa eye on the noo'easter...chief meteorologist vytas reid.... & 3
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you might think oting is &pminds in new jersey and parts of new yorr but theedamage did pot stip them from getting to the olll..he problems they eenountered.. coming up. and a woman arrested at a voting location....what they say she did... that she pggressivvly disputes..- gecko (clearing throat) thank you, mr. speaker, uh, members of congress.
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in celebration of over 75 years of our government employees insurance company, or most of you know it. ...i propose savings for everyone! i'm talking hundreds here... and furthermore.. newscaster:breaking news. the gecko is demanding free pudding. and political parties that are actual parties! with cake! and presents!to ah, that was good. too bad nobody could hear me. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. [ male announcer ] when people switch from cable to verizon fios, there comes a moment when they get it. the difference 100% fiber optics makes. when i saw that picture, i really got it. i can enjoy the game better at home than going to the stadium. i got it when our apartment became the apartment. [ female announcer ] once you've got it, you get it. it's faster. it's better. so, what are you waiting for? switch to fios tv, internet and phone for just $84.99 a month for a year with no annual contract. or get this great price and $300 back with a two-year agreement. fios brings you the best tv picture quality...
5:24 pm
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and see why millions have chosen fios over cable. york took a break from trying to recover from hurricanee sandd... to cast the vote. vote.people hit polling locations where ever they could.makeshift polling stations were in place across staten island, which was hit harddby superstorm saady last process has been a little confusing... but hey're making dde. 1444117"thhre is no sign which shows that his is the polling people, to get here. evennwhen you get here, it's not ptation is herr.. woman... is aarested ...for - ...trying to vote átwiceá...// átwiceá...//roxanne rubin... was escorted out of a olling place../..fter... office said... thhy reeeived...complain ts..../ &prubin... had checked into... annther polling place... / just a few hoors after voting somewhere eese. "they ran her name n thee computer; it showed that she had already voted. they aid
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you've already vottd. she said no i haven't that's a mmstake. they said, o it''snot a mistak" mistake." despite... rubin's perssstence, ... poll wwrkers... wouldn't... allow her vote...//. they recorded her information later ... she rubii's... charged ...with one count... of... voting... more than once the ame election...///.if .. convicted,.../ she... faces... up too 3 (wheeling away from booth)"thank yoo.. thank you &pgod... " "at 99 this northwest baltiiore wooan dddn't let age or disabilities stop her from ccsting her allot. 3anice tease.... --adblib weather tz-- when we switched to fios, we got better tv,
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5:28 pm
better phone, better internet. it was like somebody like took our computer, shook all the junk out of it. we're actually getting more for our money with fios. [ male announcer ] it's time to get more for your money. upgrade to verizon fios internet, tv and phone with our best price online. just $84.99 a month, guaranteed for one year with no annual contract. there's at least three computers. [ girl 1 ] a tablet. [ woman 1 ] couple of gaming systems. we could all be running at the same time. we do not notice any dips. [ male announcer ] get tv rated #1 in customer satisfaction. and get the school year off to a great start with america's fastest, most consistent and most reliable internet. internet is absolutely imperative for school nowadays. look up this, write an essay on that. my life is greatly improved because of fios. [ male announcer ] move up to fios today for just $84.99 a month for a year. with no annual contract, there's no reason to wait. you should totally get fios. [ male announcer ] visit now and see if you qualify for a $5 amazon gift card. there's no purchase necessary. welcome to life on fios. contact the verizon center
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for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. are maayland votersswilling to gamble on a sixth casino? question seven would authorize table gaming in the ssate. state. john &prydell is at the site of the &pnational harbor in prince georre's county. 3 the governor...recennl


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